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N Conditions

Nail Fungus-Indianapolis, IN

Onchomycosis, fungal infections of the nail, affect men more than women and are commonplace in people with weakened immune systems. There are several types of fungal infections of the nail, but the most common two are distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO) and white superficial onychomycosis (WSO).

DSO makes up the majority of fungal infections of the toe, caused by the same fungi that cause Athlete’s Foot. Symptoms of a DSO infection include:

  •  A white or yellow nail

  •  Skin or nail debris build up underneath the nail

  •  Crumbling or splitting of the nail

  •  Nail separation from the skin

  •  Discomfort

Overtime, debris will build up underneath the nail and can cause discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. DSO can be a long-lasting condition that is hard to treat therefore prevention is ideal. To prevent infection wash feet daily, dry thoroughly, and wear clean socks and shoes. Avoid areas where fungi grow like public showers and swimming pools.

WSO, on the other hand, is easily treated. WSO fungi affect the upper layer of the nail with the following symptoms:

  •  White spots on the surface

  •  Crumbly, chalky powder on nail surface

  •  No nail thickness

  •  Does not separate nail from the skin

The doctor can prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication to eradicate the infection. For persistent infections, like DSO, it may take months or longer to eliminate infection. Steps to prevent nail fungus may be easier than trying to fight the infection once you have it.

Neuropathy-Indianapolis, IN

Peripheral neuropathy is the most common form of neuropathy affecting the peripheral nerves of the feet. Damage to peripheral nerves can alter the ability to sense pain or temperature and may affect muscle control. The most common cause is diabetes but poor nutrition, alcoholism, serious infections, or certain medications can initiate it. Neuropathy is a dangerous condition because there is often a loss of the sense of feeling in the foot. Due to the fact that there is no feeling, stepping on an object or getting a cut may result in infection since it may go unnoticed for some time. Other symptoms include:

  •  Numbness, tightness, or tingling

  •  Shooting pain through the foot

  •  Loss of balance

  •  Foot deformities

  •  Dry feet

The best way to treat neuropathy is to control the underlying condition. Diabetics must watch their blood sugar and those who have nutritional deficiencies should watch their diet. Make sure to inspect feet daily and check for cuts, blisters, or swelling. Medications prescribed by your doctor can treat the numbness and tingling and NSAIDs can help with the shooting pain. A physical therapist can prescribe exercises that will target muscles, regaining control and balance.

Health Information

The following is a list of common foot and ankle problems encountered by our patients. Select your choice alphabetically and CLICK  to expand for more information.

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