C Conditions
Calluses-Indianapolis, IN
Calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that are often not painful and require no treatment. Pressure or friction due to rubbing from socks and shoes or bunions may cause of calluses. It is easy to tell if you have a callus by the appearance of hard, thickened skin on your foot. Other symptoms of calluses may include:
Yellowish or gray appearance of skin
To prevent calluses, wear well-fitted shoes. If calluses become painful you might want to invest in thicker sole inserts for shoes. This will cushion the foot while walking and alleviate pressure on the sole of the foot. Home treatment includes soaking the foot in warm water to soften the callus and gently using a pumice stone to slough off dead skin. Take great care if you opt to use this method. Rubbing too rough with the pumice stone may cause the callus to bleed and an infection can develop. Under no circumstances should you try to cut the callus off by yourself. Improper techniques can result in cuts and bacterial infection. If the callus pain is persistent, visit the doctor for proper callus removal. If painful calluses remain untreated other conditions like bursitis, blisters, bone infections, or bacterial infection of the joint can occur.
Claw Toe-Indianapolis, IN
Tight fitting shoes that squeeze your feet are the most common cause for toes curling and digging into the sole of the shoe. Alcoholism, diabetes, trauma, and excessive inflammation also are culprits that may trigger the condition of claw toe. Both alcoholism and diabetes can cause nerve damage that weakens the muscles of the foot, causing claw toe. Performing special tests may be necessary to rule out neurological conditions that can cause weakening of the foot muscles. Symptoms of claw toe include:
Toes that bend upward
Toes that bend downward
Toes that curl under the foot
Calluses or corns
When symptoms of claw toe first appear the toes are still flexible and the use of tape or a splint may correct the position of the toes. Doctors recommend patients stay away from shoes that will cramp feet and opt for shoes with plenty of room in the toe-box. What has proven to be helpful are special toe exercises, like picking up small items with the toes, which can improve the condition or prevent it from worsening. Toes become rigid during the later stages of claw toe and special shoe pads and shoes with “in depth” toe boxes should be worn. Only as a very last resort should you consider surgery.
Corns are common foot conditions that occur from repeated pressure on the foot, such as rubbing of the skin against a shoe, wearing no socks with shoes, or foot deformities. Women are more likely to develop corns due to wearing high heels. Corns come in three different forms: hard corns, soft corns, and seed corns. Located on the top or outside of the little toe, hard corns look like a compressed patch of hard skin with a dense core. Soft corns are found between the toes while seed corns develop on the heel or ball of the foot. All corns can be painful. Other symptoms include:
Hard patch of skin (hard corns)
Thin skin with smooth center (soft corns)
Circle of dead skin (seed corns)
If corns are no longer exposed to friction they can heal by themselves. Moleskin pads may relieve the pressure if it is impossible to reduce friction. Over the counter (OTC) corn pads with medication are available but be wary; the salicylic acid on the corn pad may cause a chemical skin burn and an infection. Seek medical attention if your corn gets cut, discharges pus or fluid, or if you have diabetes because of the increased risk of infection. If an infection does occur, a physician can make a small incision to drain the corn and prescribe an oral antibiotic.
Cracks And Fissures
Tarly stages of heel cracking involve the splitting of the skin to produce unsightly cracks. If heel cracks remain untreated, the cracks can progress into fissures. Cracks only affect the upper layer of the skin called the epidermis, while fissures begin to crack deeper into the skin, just below the epidermis into the dermis. Dry skin is the reason most people assume they have cracking heels, but increased weight, diabetes, neuropathy, poor circulation, and poor nutrition can also cause poor foot health. Symptoms of heel cracks and fissures vary from mild to severe. The most apparent symptom is cracks in the epidermis of the heels. Other symptoms include:
Dry, itchy heels
Hard skin on the heels
Difficulties standing or walking
Bleeding or discharge
With proper treatment, heel cracking will not evolve into fissures. Moisturizing the feet two times a day will heal the cracks in most cases. Exercise will improve poor circulation to the feet that can help heal or prevent cracks from reappearing again. If cracks or deep fissures are persistent, a diet lacking proper nutrients may be the culprit. Add foods to your diet that are rich in Vitamin E, Calcium, Omega 3 fatty acids and iron. Do not take over the counter vitamins without consulting with your doctor.