F Conditions
Flat Feet-Indianapolis, IN
Adult acquired flatfoot (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction, PTTD) and flexible flatfoot are conditions that may cause the flattening of the arches.
When changes are made to the posterior tibial tendon -- the major tendon that supports the foot -- the ability to support the arch is impaired. If left untreated the condition will worsen. The tendon can be damaged from overuse such as running, long-distance walking, hiking, or climbing stairs. Pains on the inside of the ankle, foot, and along the tendon are indications that there may be an issue. Other symptoms of PTTD may include:
Flattened arch
Inward rolling of the ankle
Advancement of the condition can lead to pain migrating from the inside to the outside of the foot, arthritis, and tendon deterioration. Custom orthotic devices, immobilization casts or boots, and strengthening exercises through physical therapy can correct the condition during the early stages of PTTD. In extreme cases, surgery may be required to correct the issue and alleviate pain.
Flexible flatfoot shares the same common characteristic as PTTD, partial or full loss of the arch. When no weight is put on the foot, there is still an arch; when weight is put on the foot that the arch disappears. Progression of this condition will lead to ligament and tendon damage. Symptoms include:
Heel pain
Rolled in ankle
Foot/leg fatigue
Shin spints
Avoid prolonged walking and lose weight if overweight to treat the condition. In some cases, immobilization may be required.
Foot Odor-Indianapolis, IN
Many adults and children suffer from foot odor. Sweat is often the main cause for foot odor but can occur from bacterial or fungal infections. Symptoms include:
Feet that smell bad
Sweaty feet
Infections (bacterial or fungal)
To treat foot odor check for bacterial or fungal infections. Bacterial infections occur when bacteria begin to eat away at the top layer of the skin, producing the bad smell. For this type of infection, a visit to the doctor and a prescription of antibiotics should clear the infection. Fungal infections, like Athlete’s Foot, can cause a myriad of issues that make the feet produce an odor, but can be fixed with over the counter foot sprays or creams. If none of these are the case, try the following tips. Practice good hygiene by washing feet daily and drying thoroughly. Wear clean socks and do not wear shoes without socks. If your feet sweat a lot, try a different type of sock that lets the foot breathe or change socks frequently. If the smell persists, try washing your shoes. Bad smelling shoes may have built up dirt and sweat that will cause your feet to smell bad.
Fractures-Indianapolis, IN
Fractures to the foot, heel, and ankle are a partial or full break in the bone that may occur due to an ankle sprain, falling, or other activity that may cause trauma to the foot. The first symptom you will notice upon fracturing a bone is pain at the breakage site. Other symptoms may include:
Inability to walk
Protrusion of the bone
To prevent the condition from getting worse, it is important to visit with a physician as soon as possible if you think you may have a fracture. RICE is the most common treatment for foot, ankle, and heel fractures: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Resting the injured area will give it the ability to heal without excess stress being put on it, while ice will help with the inflammation. Wrap an elastic covering around the area for compression and keep the injured body part elevated. Both compression and elevation work together to reduce swelling. To deal with pain, NSAIDs like ibuprofen will provide relief but your doctor can prescribe something stronger if you feel it is necessary. Sometimes an immobilization device, such as a cast or walking boot, may be necessary. Severe fractures may require surgery.